Kayce Hawk Says COVID Era Requires Managers to Adapt, Be Creative & Collaborate

Last May as the outbreak was taking shape, Connect Media spoke with Rising Realty’s Kayce Hawk to find out what they were doing at properties to get ready to welcome people back. Obviously, as the stay-home orders and business shutdowns lingered on throughout the summer, it has given owners and managers even more time to formulate plans and prepare buildings. We asked Hawk to update us on their approach and activities in our latest CRE Q&A.
Q: Since May when we last talked, what has changed and where are you in the process of preparing buildings for re-entry?
A: In May, we were very focused on our response to building wellness initiatives, proactive work with tenants on rents, and coming up with a plan for tenants to return. Obviously, most tenants have not returned to the office and Los Angeles remains in a modified “Safer at Home” order. While we are seeing some increased building occupancy, it is still less than 20% of our normal building population.
This Spring, Rising proactively prepared our buildings and updated operations to create the safest environment possible. Those plans continue to evolve. Where applicable, operational changes were made to building entryways to allow for a touchless experience from the front door to the office. Now, we are planning to enhance our sanitization routine with electro-static disinfection sprayers with environmentally friendly and non-toxic solutions.
Our commitment to the health and wellness of our buildings is paramount and has been for many years, but mitigating the risk of COVID-19 required a team and portfolio approach to creative thinking and a resolve to implement the changes. We are confident that when the time comes for tenants to return to work, we will be providing the safest environment possible for our tenants, guests and personnel.
Link to full Q&A: Rising Realty’s Hawk Says COVID Era Requires Managers to Adapt, Be Creative & Collaborate